Risk.net's Structured Products Washington D.C. conference will be back in 2019! The program showcases the latest developments in the legal, regulatory and compliance landscape for structured products. The conference will gather 100+ senior structured product professionals from across North America
Structured Products Washington D.C 2018
Registration opens soon
Gathering 100+ senior structured product professionals from across North America.
Structured Products Washington D.C.
Risk.net's Structured Products Washington D.C. conference will be back next year! The program will showcase the latest developments in the legal, regulatory and compliance landscape for structured products.
As always the conference will reflect the ebb and flow of industry. The 5th annual Structured Products Washington D.C. conference gathered 100+ senior structured product professionals from across North America.
To register your interest for the 2019 conference, please fill out the remind me below:
Structured Products Europe invites structured products professionals from private banks, retail banks, asset managers, insurance companies, IFA's, broker dealers, institutional investors and wealth managers are invited to join us free of charge each year.
Tickets for the sell-side
Individuals from law firms, structuring asset managers, consultants, technology vendors and investment banks are also invited to join us each year, where they can network with the buy side and hear the latest and most important updates in the structured products sphere.
Sponsor our conference?
Do you want to make your company, product or service stand out from the crowd with up to 100 professionals?
Speak to our sponsorship team today to find out how you can sponsor Structured Products Washington 2018!